Monday, February 2, 2009

~The Ocean~

This layout was done with a kit that was entitled "Old Sea".
That's the only info that came with it. No artist info.

The star elements and paper are from Flergs.

Scrap layout by:

Photo Property Of:


Jenni said...

Hi there
I saw the comment on my blog about the $1 items. Unfortunately the owner decided 1 week was enough for us to have our products on $1, so I had to put mine back to the original price on Sunday, to let the next lot of designers put theirs up, If you let me know which kits you wanted, I can still let you have them for $1. My email addy is

~B~ Creations said...

Thank you so much for the generous offer Jenni!
I really appreciate it!
~Big Hugs~